Hi Welcome to theloststar!

My place to discuss integration //Anton

Basic patterns

If you not have read the book, Enteprise Integration Pattern, read it. Here come some of the flows and pattern I have used....

Anton Petersson

How to enrich with not leak data!

A problem that I have seen a in apache camel is that people sometimes set a header to the old body and then set the body to the call for the system that we will get data from...

Anton Petersson

How to make integration safe

How to do the intergration layer safe? First we need to look in the three cases that the ingeration often be used....

Anton Petersson

Lets look into the cfx component, Apache Camel Quarkus.

It took som time but now the cxf component working for apache camel quarkus. SOAP protocoll is used by many system still out there....

Anton Petersson